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Best Areas for High Rental Yields in England

Best Areas for High Rental Yields in England

The UK is a top pick for buy-to-let success. Its strong economy and diverse cities create ideal settings. These places pull in people globally. While many see London as the top choice for property investment, the numbers don't always add up. Yields in London rarely top 6%. Yet, some areas in England give out over 9% returns. This is very tempting for buy-to-let investors.

High Rental Yield Areas in England

To really succeed in the UK's property scene, you aim for high returns. Figuring out a property's profit potential starts with its rental yield. Rents are climbing across the UK. It’s a good time to look at profitable rental spots. By spotting the best investment areas—from England to Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland—you can choose wisely. This way, you aim for top returns in prime rental areas, in-demand zones, and profitable postcodes.

Key Takeaways

  • The UK is one of the most reliable buy-to-let success locations
  • Some high rental yield areas in England offer average yields of 9% or higher
  • Calculating rental yield is crucial to determine the profit potential of a rental property
  • Analysing top rental yield locations across the UK can help make data-driven investment decisions
  • Prime rental investment areas, high-demand rental zones, profitable rental postcodes, and high-return rental hubs are key factors to consider


Investors are keen on the UK's property market for good reason. They aim to maximise their returns. Calculating a rental property's rental yield is key to this. Rents are going up, making this a great time to look for high-yield areas in the UK.

Places with strong rental yields are not limited to England. They can be found across the UK, including England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. By looking at these high-yield locations, investors can pick the best spots for profit. This approach is based on solid data analysis.

In England, the market for rental properties is rich with possibilities. It spans from the energetic cities in the North to the vibrant ones in the South. Many areas stand out as excellent choices for those seeking good returns. Whether a newcomer or an experienced hand, knowing England's rental yield scene is essential.

"The key to successful property investment is to identify areas with strong rental demand and the potential for capital growth. By focusing on High Rental Yield Areas in England, investors can maximise their returns and build a profitable portfolio."

We're here to guide you through the buy-to-let scene in England. This guide brings together all the top spots for rental yields. We've looked into things like:

  • Average rental yields by region and city
  • Tenant demand and occupancy rates
  • Property prices and affordability
  • Economic growth and job prospects
  • Regeneration projects and infrastructure improvements

This info will arm you with what you need to spot England's top rental markets. With it, you can make choices that meet your investment goals. Let's start our journey into England's property investment hotspots together!

Top Rental Yield Locations in England

Finding the best areas in England for high rental yields takes a lot of research. Zoopla, a top property portal, has done a detailed study. It found the best places to invest in renting across England. These areas give a great chance to those investing in buy-to-let to make good money.

Now, let's look at where in England you can get the best rental returns:

East Midlands

The East Midlands has many spots with high rental yields. Nottingham, Mansfield District, and Boston District are leading. These places are great for landlords wanting to make money from their rental properties.

East of England

The East of England shines with places like Great Yarmouth District, Fenland District, and Peterborough. They've seen a steady increase in people wanting to rent. This makes them perfect for smart investors.


Even with high property prices, some London boroughs have good rental yields. Barking and Dagenham, Newham, and Bexley are particularly good. They attract a wide variety of tenants and offer a good return on investment.

North East

The North East is full of areas with great rental returns. Middlesbrough, Sunderland, and Hartlepool are at the top. Their attraction is driven by low living costs and more job opportunities.

North West

In the North West, places like Burnley, Liverpool, and Hyndburn stand out. They've seen a lot of new investments. This brings more people looking to rent, offering good profits for landlords.

South East

The South East has Southampton, Gosport District, and Portsmouth as popular spots. These places are wanted by both students and professionals. This keeps the demand for rentals high.

South West

In the South West, Plymouth, Gloucester District, and Swindon are great for rentals. These areas are growing fast economically. Young professionals flock to them for good quality rentals.

West Midlands

The West Midlands is another promising area for high rental yields. Stoke-on-Trent, Newcastle-under-Lyme district, and Coventry District are favourites. They’re known for affordable living and a bustling student scene.

Yorkshire and the Humber

Yorkshire and the Humber have gems like Hull, Barnsley District, and North East Lincolnshire. They combine low property costs with strong rental demand. For landlords, this is a winning formula.

Region Top Rental Yield Locations
East Midlands Nottingham, Mansfield District, Boston District
East of England Great Yarmouth District, Fenland District, Peterborough
London Barking and Dagenham, Newham, Bexley
North East Middlesbrough, Sunderland, Hartlepool
North West Burnley, Liverpool, Hyndburn
South East Southampton, Gosport District, Portsmouth
South West Plymouth, Gloucester District, Swindon
West Midlands Stoke-on-Trent, Newcastle-under-Lyme district, Coventry District
Yorkshire and the Humber Hull, Barnsley District, North East Lincolnshire

Focusing on these top rental yield locations helps investors. They can aim for high returns and a successful buy-to-let portfolio in England's strong rental market.

Buy-to-Let Investment Hotspots

Several cities in England are standout buy-to-let investment areas. They present high demand for rentals and the chance for good returns. Let's look at some top spots that have caught the eye of smart property investors.

Buy-to-let investment hotspots in England


Birmingham is the UK's second largest city and a top pick for investors. It offers a growing tech and financial sector alongside five universities. With its strong economy and growing population, many seek properties here for their rental income.


Nottingham, home to two well-known universities, is popular with students. This creates a steady need for rental homes. The city also has the UK's biggest teaching hospital, drawing in healthcare professionals. This mix makes Nottingham a solid choice for those looking for good returns.


Manchester is becoming a key buy-to-let location. It's a major economic hub outside London with fast-growing sectors in tech and media. The presence of many universities boosts the renter population. Plus, regeneration efforts continue, making it an attractive investment area for landlords.


Derby, though lesser-known, is now in the spotlight for investors. It's powered by big names like Rolls-Royce and Toyota, offering great job opportunities. These, alongside regeneration, are pulling in more people. For those looking for good rental market prospects, Derby is worth a closer look.

City Average Rental Yield Key Attractions for Investors
Birmingham 5.4% Fast-growing tech and financial sector, ongoing regeneration, educational hub
Nottingham 4.8% Large student population, largest teaching hospital in the UK
Manchester 5.5% Largest economic area outside London, fast-growing tech and media sectors, large university city
Derby 4.5% High-value manufacturing industries, skilled high-paying jobs, major regeneration projects

When looking at buy-to-let spots, consider the location and the area's demand and economy. Choosing these identified areas with high demand can lead to great opportunities in the rental market.

What is a Good Rental Yield?

One key factor when buying rental properties is the rental yield. A high rental yield means you earn more from your investment. In the UK, 5% to 8% is a good rental yield. Some places in England can give even more.

To find out your rental yield, add up all purchasing and maintenance costs. This includes mortgage, service, and maintenance fees, plus insurance and property management costs. By considering all these costs, you will know your net rental income. Then you can figure out your real rental yield. This knowledge is important when choosing where to invest for higher yields in England.

London stands out when it comes to rental yields because property prices there are very high. This makes rental yields lower than other parts of England. In London, a yield over 5% is considered good, while in other areas, yields can reach 8% or more.

If higher yields are your goal, think about student housing. There's often a strong demand for student homes in university towns and cities. This can mean more income for you. Some of the best spots for student properties in England include:

City Average Rental Yield
Manchester 7.6%
Liverpool 7.2%
Nottingham 6.8%
Leeds 6.5%
Sheffield 6.3%
"Investing in high rental yield areas in England can be a smart move for property investors looking to maximise their returns. By focusing on locations with strong tenant demand and carefully calculating your costs, you can achieve a good rental yield and build a profitable property portfolio."

What counts as a good rental yield depends on your investment targets and strategy. By aiming for high-yield areas and doing your homework, success in the real estate market is within reach.

Factors Affecting Rental Yields

Investing in rental properties requires knowing what influences the income they generate. Important factors help investors find places with high returns. We'll explore the main influencers on rental yields below.


The place a property is in plays a massive role in how much rent it can get. If it's near important places like shops, schools, and work, it's in demand. These wanted areas bring in more rent, giving better income to landlords. Also, areas getting better through new projects can be a smart choice. This improves the area and can make it more popular, meaning higher rent.

Property Type

The kind of building is key too. Smaller places like studios or one-bedrooms are popular with students and young workers. They choose these for their location and price, making them a good choice for investors. Yet, bigger homes or luxury flats might not bring in as much rent. But, they offer stability and a chance to grow in value over time.

Tenant Demand

How many people want to live in your property is another big deal. Places near universities or big companies always have people looking to rent. This means you can charge more rent and won't have many times when the place is empty. Cities with a lot of job opportunities and a nice life attract more renters, creating a stable income for the landlords.

Economic Conditions

The economy around your rental property matters too. In a strong economy, with jobs growing and people earning more, rental demand goes up. This is good for landlords as more people can afford the rent. But if the economy slows, fewer people can rent which might reduce the money you make from your property.

Factor Impact on Rental Yields
Desirable Location Higher rental demand, higher rents, and higher yields
High-Demand Property Types Strong tenant demand, consistent rental income, and higher yields
Strong Tenant Demand Higher rents, lower vacancy rates, and higher yields
Favourable Economic Conditions Increased rental demand, stable rental income, and potential for higher yields

Thinking about these factors and doing proper research helps investors spot places where they can earn more money. Knowing how location, building type, renter demand, and the economy work together is key to doing well in renting properties.

Calculating Rental Yields

Determining rental yields is key in the property market. Rental yield shows the return you get each year from renting a property. This is a vital step for making smart investment choices, especially in high-yield areas of England.

The formula for finding rental yield is simple. First, divide the annual rent by the property’s value. Then, multiply this number by 100%. If, for example, you get £24,000 a year rent for a £300,000 property, your yield is 8%. This shows how well your investment could do.

calculating rental yields

Another way to calculate is by the monthly rent. Multiply the monthly amount by 12 to get the yearly rent. Then divide this by the property value and times by 100%. It's good for quick, back-of-the-envelope calculations.

Remember, there are costs like taxes, insurance, and maintenance to deduct. These lower your final profit, affecting your real yield. Factoring these in gives a more realistic view of your investment’s earnings.

Expense Example Cost Impact on Rental Yield
Property Taxes £2,000 per year Reduces net annual rent
Insurance £500 per year Reduces net annual rent
Maintenance and Repairs £1,500 per year Reduces net annual rent

So, including these costs gives you a better insight. It helps in making projections and keeping your investment profitable. This is very important, especially in England’s high-rent areas where these costs could greatly change your yield.

Accurately calculating rental yields is the foundation of successful property investment in high-demand rental zones across England.

In conclusion, calculating rental yields isn't hard. It looks at your annual rent against the property's worth. Yet, don't forget the extra costs. Including all costs helps you decide wisely and grab good chances in England's best rental spots.

High Rental Yield Areas in England

In 2024, England is looking to have high rental yields, especially in the North. Places like Manchester and Liverpool are doing really well for investors. They're seeing returns of about 7.4%. This is pulling in people who want to make a good return on their money.

The story is a bit different in the South, which includes London. While it's improving, high property prices are a challenge. Yields are lower here, around 5.2%. This is a big gap from the North's strong market.

The UK in total, though, offers a decent rental yield of 5%. This makes it a top place for global investment. It's known for being both stable and profitable.

Now, let's look at some top locations in England for rental yields:

City Rental Yield Range
Manchester 5-9%
Birmingham 6.3%
Nottingham 6.0%
Liverpool 6.2%
Leeds 6.3%

Manchester shines with yields up to 9%. It attracts both renters and investors. This is because of its strong economy, many job options, and vibrant culture.

Other cities also offer good chances for investors. Cities like Birmingham, Nottingham, Liverpool, and Leeds are growing. They're seeing more people wanting to rent, which helps investors.

Investors should do their homework on these areas known for high rental yields. Things like where the property is, the type of property, and the demand from tenants are important. The local economy matters a lot too.

Choosing the right area in England can lead to good returns on rental properties. With smart choices and looking for good opportunities, high rental yields are possible all over the country.

Tips for Maximising Rental Yields

Property investors are always aiming to increase their rental yields. They want to get the best returns on their investment. To do this, investing in high rental yield areas in England is key.

Smart strategies can help investors make more money. This is crucial for building a successful property portfolio. Here are some important tips for increasing rental yields:

Choose the Right Location

Location is crucial in raising rental yields. Investing in cities like Birmingham, Manchester, and Nottingham can be profitable. These places have strong tenant interest and allow for higher rent. They also have growing economies, good transport, and are popular among young professionals and students. These factors make them ideal for property investment.

Invest in High-Demand Property Types

Invest in properties that are in high demand to boost your earnings. Smaller properties, like studio apartments and one-bedroom flats, are favoured by students and young workers. These types of properties often need less initial investment. Yet, they can bring in good rental income because of their popularity.

Maintain and Upgrade Your Property

It's essential to keep your rental property in good condition. Regular maintenance and quick repairs are key for attracting good tenants. Likewise, making strategic upgrades can increase your property's value. This allows you to ask for higher rent, which in turn boosts your rental yields.

Set Competitive Rent Prices

Setting the right rent price is vital. It must be competitive for the local market and reflect your property's value. Research the rent prices of similar properties nearby. This helps in determining the best rental rate for your property. It’s tempting to overprice, but this can lead to longer times without tenants. Find a balance to maximize income while staying attractive to tenants.

"Investing in profitable rental postcodes and implementing smart strategies can significantly enhance your rental yields and secure long-term success in the buy-to-let market."

Following these tips and targeting high rental yield areas in England can lead to better profits. Success in the rental market comes from careful research, smart choices, and offering quality homes for your tenants.

Risks and Challenges of High Yield Investments

Investing in high rental yield areas in England can be appealing. But, it's key to know the risks. One major issue is void periods. This means the property is empty for a long time, causing a loss of rent.

If an area has too many rental properties or not enough renters, this risk is high. It can happen even in top rental yield places. There's also the challenge of more costs for upkeep and repairs.

This is common for student housing or HMOs. These properties need regular fixes to attract and keep tenants. Along with upkeep, there are complex rules and permits for these buildings.

Changes in the economy or local market can hurt the rental market. For example, if the student population drops, so does the demand for housing. It's vital for investors to be ready for such shifts.

High yield investments have their own risks and challenges. These include:

  • Void periods and loss of rent
  • More spending on upkeep and management
  • Dealing with rules and permits
  • Being affected by economic downturns
  • The value of properties can change
"High yield investments can bring in good money but also pose risks. It's vital to think these through and plan carefully before jumping in." - Sarah Thompson, Property Investment Expert

To lower risks, it's smart to have diverse investments. Spread your money across various properties and locations. This way, if one area does badly, your other properties can balance it out.

Also, having a strong team of property experts and managers is important. They can help you handle the day-to-day challenges of high yield properties.

Risk/Challenge Mitigation Strategy
Void Periods Offer competitive rents, maintain property to high standards, and build strong relationships with letting agents
Higher Maintenance Costs Budget for regular maintenance, establish reliable contractor networks, and consider property management services
Complex Regulations Stay informed about local regulations, work with experienced professionals, and factor in compliance costs
Economic Downturns Diversify portfolio across locations and property types, maintain financial reserves, and be prepared to adapt strategies

Investing in high rental areas in England offers big chances but also risks. To succeed, research well, lower risks, and stay flexible. This way, you can make the most of these valuable areas.


In summary, England has many places where investors can earn a lot from renting properties out. The North is shining bright, especially cities like Manchester, Liverpool, and Leeds, with high average returns of 7.4%. The Midlands, including Birmingham and Nottingham, are also good spots, with returns at about 6%.

London and the South East have high property prices, leading to lower returns. Yet, smart investors can find profitable opportunities in these areas. They should look at places that are on the rise.

Investors need to carefully choose where to invest in rental properties. They should look at the place, type of property, who the tenants might be, and what the economy is like. Doing thorough research, keeping up properties, and setting the right rent can boost their earnings over time.

To do well in England’s rental market, one must find the best locations, follow market trends, and make wise investments. By focusing on these, investors can achieve success and meet the needs of today's renters.


What are the best areas for high rental yields in England?

The top areas for good rental yields in England are the East Midlands, East of England, North East, North West, and Yorkshire, and the Humber. Notable cities are Birmingham, Nottingham, Manchester, and Derby for buy-to-let investments.

What is considered a good rental yield in the UK?

In the UK, a sweet spot for rental yield is between 5% and 8%. Yet, in London, anything over 5% is viewed well due to pricier properties.

What factors affect rental yields?

Rental yields hinge on the location, type of property, tenant needs, and the economy. Place is key for rent prices. Studios are often sought by students and young professionals. Cities with booming economies usually see better yields.

How do I calculate rental yield?

To find rental yield, take the annual rent and divide it by the property's market value. Then, multiply by 100%. You can also use the monthly rent, multiply it by 12, and follow the same steps. Don't forget to include expenses like taxes to get the real yield.

What are the risks and challenges of high yield investments?

High yield investments have their risks. These include periods without renters, more spending on upkeep, and harder to manage rules. Also, they can be hit by economic downturns. Planning carefully and being well-prepared is key to managing these risks.

How can I maximise my rental yields?

To boost your rental yield, pick the best location and property types in demand. Keep your property in good condition. Charge competitive rents based on the local market and what your place offers. Targeting high-yield cities and properties, plus researching well, will help you get more back.